Key Combinations:
This cycles between all MDI subwindows by order of creation.
Editbox Cursor Up/Down
This browses the history of a windows editbox. (previously sent commands/lines)
Editbox Ctrl+Enter
If you want to send information beginning with the / command prefix and you want it to be sent as normal text instead of interpreted as a command, just hold down the Control key when you press enter.
Editbox Ctrl+BURKIEDQO
Inserts control codes for Bold, Underline, Reverse, Color, Italic, Strikethru, HexColor, Monospace and the stop all controls character.
Editbox Tab Key
If you are in a channel window editbox and it contains some text, the Tab key performs nickname completion on the word the cursor is on, this allows you type in only the first character or two of a nickname on that channel and then press Tab and Web-IRC will expand it to the full nickname. You can cycle thru all matches with multiple presses of Tab. This replacement ends when ANY key other than tab is pressed.
Basic IRC Commands:
/away [message]
Leaves a message indicating that you are currently not paying attention to IRC. When someone sends you a message, they will automatically see your away message. Using /AWAY with no message marks you as no longer being away and removes your previous message.
/invite nickname #channel
Invites a nickname to a channel that you are on.
/join #channel,#channel,etc...
Joins the specified channel(s).
/kick #channel nickname [reason]
Kicks a nickname off a channel that you are on and optionally attaches a reason.
/mode [#channel|nickname] [[+|-]modechars [parameters]]
Sets/unsets nickname modes or channel modes.
/nick nickname
Changes your nickname to a new nickname.
/part #channel,#channel,etc... [message]
Leaves the specified channel(s) that you are on and optionally attaches a part message.
/quit [message]
Disconnects you from IRC and will give the optional message as the reason for your departure. (this message only appears to people who are on the same channels as you).
/topic #channel newtopic
Changes the topic for a channel that you are on.
/whois nickname
Shows you information about a nickname.
Web-IRC Commands:
/ame <message>
This command sends the specified action to all open channel windows.
/amsg <message>
This command sends the specified message to all open channel windows.
/channel [#channel]
Pops up the channel central window for the channel window you are currently in. You can also specify a #channel name to open the channel central for a channel you have already joined but which is not the active window.
/clear [-hcqns] [windowname]
Clears the buffer of the current window. If you specify a window name, that window's buffer will be cleared.
The -s switch clears the status window.
The -h switch clears the editbox command history for a window.
/clearall [-snqma]
Clears the buffers of the specified windows, where s = status, n = channel, q = query, m = monitor panels, a = all windows on all connections.
If no switches are specified all windows are cleared.
Forces a disconnect from a server. This is different from the /quit command which sends a quit message to the server and waits for the server to disconnect you.
/ebeeps <on|[off]>
Enables or disables all event beeps. Events such as new lines in a window when the scrollbar is NOT at the bottom.
Opens up the Help Documentation.
/links [-nx]
Retrieves the servers to which your current server is linked.
The -n and -x switches minimize/maximize the window when it opens.
/me message
Sends an action message to the current channel or query window. To send an action message to a specific channel or nickname, see the /describe command.
/menubar <on|[off]>
Changes the menubar display state. Default with no parameter is off.
/msg or /privmsg target message
Sends a private message to the target.
Note: If the target is a nickname, this will send without opening a query window.
/notice target message
Sends a notice to the target with specified message.
/partall [message]
Leaves all channels that you are on and optionally attaches a part message.
/query nickname
Opens a query window to this specific nickname. If it's already opened, it will set the query window the active window.
/raw or /quote <command>
Sends the specified command directly to the server. You must know the correct raw format of the command you are sending.
/say message
This sends a message to the current channel or query window. So "/say Hello there" would be the same as just typing "Hello there".
/server [-i nick] [-j chan1,etc..] [-mn] <server>
Connects you to a server, first disconnecting you from the current server.
Note: Servers are in form of: ws(s)://server:port/optionalPaths/
The -i switch sets the nickname to be used when connecting to server.
The -j switch sets the channels to join when connected to server.
The -m switch creates a new server window for that connection and connects to the server. The -n switch does the same thing but does not connect to the server.
/statusbar <on|[off]>
Changes the statusbar display state. Default with no parameter is off.
/toolbar <on|[off]>
Changes the toolbar display state. Default with no parameter is off.
/treebar <on|[off]>
Changes the treebar display state. Default with no parameter is off.